Human evolution evidence

If the first man was made of evolution, how did he get the first woman from whom the human race was born?
It is not correct to confine the evolutionary debate to the evolution of human beings
Secondly, evolution does not occur in an individual but rather in a population — if the selection pressure is high on the population then the population develops faster — people who are not compatible with the changing environment do not produce more children.
While environmentally compatible men (whether male or female) produce more babies and their offspring grow, it is worth mentioning that both males and females are simultaneously evolving
( This is called co-evolution).
So it never happened that a woman had given birth to a man suddenly one day — just as no man is young, but the journey from childhood to old age is gradual, so is evolution. So, during the evolutionary journey from human ancestor to human being, it never happened that one person suddenly became a human being, but there was no human substance available to him. And there are thousands of males and females in this population during all this time — hence the evolutionary evidence journey of human beings. I was neither the first man nor the first woman to be the only living creature in the world that does not have a consciousness separate from the rest of the world, and therefore the quest to know the basis of its existence has given man innumerable explanations for centuries. Present. Humans presented different reasons for their existence at different times in different regions and different explanations were presented not only on the existence of man but also on the existence of the world.

In the ancient Egyptians, the universe and world travel began with the creation of darkness and chaos. In the beginning, there was nothing but purposeless black water, and out of this chaos is the appearance of an ancient hill called Ben-Ben on which God lived. Atom combines his own shadow to overcome this vacuum and loneliness and produces two children, Shu (god of wind) and Tanfoot (Tefnut, goddess of moisture). The show establishes the rules of life and sets the rules of discipline. Then they leave their father on the hill of Bin Bin to organize the world. Their father, saddened by his absence, sends his eyes in search of them and he brings them, tears of joy from the eyes of Atom in the joy of the return of the children, and the darkness of Bin Bin and Fall to the fertile earth from which man (man and woman) is born. This creature (human being) has no place to live, so the show and the narrator produce two children, one Geb, the earth and the other Nut. Gab and Noth have five children who create and run Egypt.
Similarly, cultures of different regions have also been presented based on the specific circumstances of their areas. But in Europe in the fourteenth century, after the beginning of the second half of the nineteenth century, the world began to look at conditions and events on a scientific basis. Which was reinforced by the capitalist revolutions of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries of Europe and a rapid industrial development played a key role in the rapid development of science and philosophy? On these grounds, the use of new and modern scientific methods to interpret human society.
Accelerated the use of new and modern scientific methods and began to reproduce the scientific basis on centuries-old questions of the universe, life and the origin of human existence. In the background of these questions, a revolutionary evidence discovery took place in August 1856 in a cave in the form of a fossil skull in the Neander Valley, Germany, where workers were engaged in extracting lime. When he showed the skull to his supervisor, he did not find anything new at first, but then he got some idea and gave it to a schoolteacher in the area. The skull was of a race that was neither human nor presently a monkey. It was about forty thousand years old and was later named Neanderthal by the name Neander, the valley from which it was discovered. This discovery played a revolutionary evidence role in the science of evolution. Some people consider this to be an archetype of a human being, but other scientists are busy finding more evidence.

In the meantime, three years after the skull was found, the most important breakthrough was the evolution of the theory of chalice Darwin in 1859, before which all animal species were considered to be permanent and irreversible. Darwin said that life began with an astronaut in the ocean, which changed over time into a multicultural life. In the same cosmology, more complex organs were created under time and conditions and these changes led to the existence of different animal species in the world. Darwin added that no species is permanent and that only those species that move forward were the most important subjects to survive with conditions and periods.
On these grounds, the question of human ancestry also began to emerge because the human being was one of these creatures and for humans, the question of their evolution was of utmost importance. Based on physical structure, the monkey appeared closest to the human being, and the work of examining the monkey’s suspicion of associating with human ancestors began on a scientific basis. The first question that arose in this series was that which was the middle link in the evolution from monkey to a human being, that raised questions about the existence of a ‘monkey-like human’. Darwin himself was far from answering this question, but in the new generation of scientists, this research was greatly envisioned in the 1860s and 60s. But without finding solid evidence that the monkey was human or not, it was impossible to proceed with this research.
It was necessary to move to an area where both monkeys and humans lived — Indonesia’s dense forests. Eugene Dibwa, a Dutch doctor, began searching for human ancestors in 1887 on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. DeBova initially suffered severe failures until her own life was in danger. In October 1891, he returned to Indonesia, but this time on the island of Java, where he was now receiving the support of the Dutch army, he found fossils that were an important step in responding to human evolution. It was a fossil of a skull that was made between a human and a monkey, and the skull was about eight million years old. This fossil was called Java man, corresponding to the area.

In DeBova’s view, the main difference between humans and monkeys was the volume of the brain, and between them, the brain volume of any species should be between human and monkey brains, that is, half of the human brain and twice that of the monkey’s brain. But when he measured the volume of the skull, it was more than twice the volume of the skull of the monkey. Because of this, he had to change his mind. It is here that the dibwa also received a digit leg bone, which showed that it belonged to a creature that stood upright. It is named Pithecanthropus erectus, meaning the ‘monkey-like man’ standing. It was the kind of human race that has been the most successful race of humans to date and was also present in Africa, today known as Homo Erectus.
This breed settled in Africa, Asia and Europe. But the world of science did not accept Dibwa’s discovery. Cousins understood the significance of DeBova’s work decades later. But in the meantime, the search for the middle link continued and many bogus discoveries emerged, one of which occurred in the UK in 1909, and the basis for this was the pre-recognized result, that the race between monkeys and humans should be larger and the rest. The face should be kept like a monkey. Because at that time, the scientific elite of Britain believed that man became a human being because of the largeness of his brain, and that discovery was forcibly linked to the result, which was one of the reasons for this discovery.
For decades, this discovery of truth has been recognized as one of the greatest frauds in the history of science. Then in 1924 an Australian college teacher in South Africa, Dart, who was constantly collecting fossils, received a fossil. It was the first time that a human fossil was obtained from Africa. The scientific name for this breed is Australopithecus africanus, and these fossils were more than two million years old. Dart publishes a paper on the subject, claiming that it has discovered a breed that was the link between humans and monkeys, thus causing great controversy in the world of science as it claims to be in Britain. Sitting contradicts the idea of the scientific elite of the time, who were upset over a false discovery.
The contentions of this discovery contradict the recognized invention in Britain because his brain was smaller than a human’s brain, but the jaw was like a human jaw that went against the wishes of the British scientific elite and they discovered it. Was completely rejected and recognized the discovery as a guerrilla fossil. The problem, in this case, was that Dart was a ‘wrong’ person, he was not part of the British scientific elite nor was the British but an Australian. Moreover, the scientific elite was not expecting human ancestry to come from Africa but thought Europe or Asia as the birthplace of man. But by the end of the 1940s, things had changed, with the fall of British imperialism more opportunities to reject these ideas, and after 25 years of hard work, Dart had a chance to prove his truth.

The claim made in Britain of 1909 in 1953 was again analyzed on a scientific basis and there was clear evidence of the fossilization of these fossils, as well as the British scientific elite’s false doctrine that had been imposed on the world for decades. Has grown up and ended up being It is unique that Frederick Engels made it clear eight decades ago, in his book “The Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man,” based on the philosophy of materialism. The human being was made from the monkey, not based on his mind, but based on his hard work. It was necessary to walk on two legs instead of four legs for the hands to be free. Evidence of this was discovered in 1959 by a British man named Leakey in search of fossils in Tanzania.
Leakey had convinced the science world that it was necessary to create tools to be human. During twenty-two years of hard work, Lucky found numerous tools and eventually found the fossil from the same geological layer he was getting the instrument, which he named Paranthropus boisei, and initially made it. But one year later another skull was found in the same area, which was more similar to a human skull. This breed was named Homo Habilis. Until then, in the world of science, it was believed that there was only one middle race to become a monkey, but the discovery of two generations of leaky in one place and age, that is, about eighteen million years ago, made it clear. That was not so. From 1925 to 1965, more than 100 fossils of human species were found in South Africa alone.
These discoveries revealed that numerous human-like species existed simultaneously in human evolution, and it was a mistake to describe this change in a straight-line model, such as bourgeois science, for the last hundred years. Numerous human species lived in the world for millions of years, some of which disappeared and some entered into the next stage of evolution, and as a result of millions of years, today’s human beings are only two million years ago. Came into being.

In fact, today’s monkeys were not made human, but today’s monkeys and human ancestors were common. There was still the question of who was the first generation that could be called the first step towards humanity. In 1974 the scientific discoveries of human evolution gave rise to a revolutionary invention. A team of Americans, led by Donald Johanson, discovered a fossil in Ethiopia with a geographical layer of two million years. This team measured layering with modern technology in an even better way. They found here a fossil called “Lucy” and its scientific name is Australopithecus afarensis. Lucy was initially considered to be the first living creature to walk two feet, but modern genetic science revealed that it was not. Today, genetic science can reveal how many years ago the separation of our common ancestors began.
When the genetic separation of humans and monkeys was analyzed, it was discovered that the difference originated some sixty-seven million years ago. But no fossil record on this matter existed until the late 1990s since much of the search was done in East Africa at that time. Where only small pieces dating back to 4 million years ago were found. In 1997, Michel Brunet, a French palaeontologist, decided to search the Sahara Desert and began his work in northern Chad, where no one had ever done it before. After many years of hard work, Michelle’s team discovered the skull in 2001, seven million years old. They named it Sahelanthropus Tehadensis. They were among the first creatures who started walking on two legs for the first time in the history of life on earth, apart from this difference, and there was no difference in the breed of monkeys. Before living on two feet, these creatures lived on trees, but the change of the ground seasons forced them to descend on the plains. Standing on the two feet in the field where this breed exposed the dangers gave them the ability to use their hands, travel far and see far beyond their ancestors.
These are just a few of the thousands of discoveries that have historically played a key role in our understanding of human evolution. But the scientific process is always a continuous search that never ends. A scientific analysis of anything is always needed to take into account different angles. For this reason, scientists have tried to understand human being evolutionary history as being linked to geological conditions. But the important factor in this is that it is a big mistake to use scientific results to justify any definition, but definitions must constantly change based on new findings. Even today, humans do not know the full range of all human species, but the characteristics of the scientific discoveries that have been made are as follows:

1. Breed: Sahelanthropus tehadensis
Covenant: Sixty to seven million years ago
Geographical area: West Central Africa
Summary: They are considered to be the earliest human race, walking on two legs. His brain was similar to that of a monkey’s brain and had small canine teeth, which could indicate that his diet did not include meat.
2. Breed: Orrorin tugenensis
Covenant: Twenty-six million years before the Eighth
Geographical area: East Africa (Kenya)
Summary: The fossil shows that the man standing upright was like a monkey, whose body was like a monkey with long bent fingers to help climb trees and jump, and the jaw was similar to that of the monkeys.
3. Breed: Ardipithecus kadabba
Covenant: Twenty-eight million years before Baun
Geographical area: East Africa (Kenya)
Summary: This breed was first considered to be part of the genus Ardipithecus Ramidus, but later the tooth texture was found to be more ancient, and later it was viewed as a separate breed. Evidence of this species being found in dense forests indicates that the two-legged walk did not occur in Savannah.
4. Breed: Ardipithecus ramidus
Covenant: About four million years ago
Geographical Region: East Africa (Ethiopia)
Summary: The fossilized bones of the hips and legs of a substance found in 2009 show that it was a straight-up human race. A good sample of canine teeth shows that there was little difference in the volume of males and females.
5. Breed: Australopithecus enamines (Australopithecus Anamnesis)
Pledge: from forty-two to two million years ago
Geographical area: East Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia)
Summary: The upper part of the bone of the shin and the spread of the bone shows that it was a two-legged human race and weighed only on one knee at a time. This species was found in the river forests. The skull of this race is closer to the monkey while the rest of the body is more human.
6. Breed: Australopithecus affairs (Australopithecus Afarensis)
Covenant: Thirty-eight million years ago
Geographical Region: East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania)
Summary: The head and face of this human-like race, including Lucy, were monkey-like and with strong toes, they used to climb trees but stood upright and walked on two legs. ۔ These features have helped this generation survive various environmental changes.
7. Breed: Australopithecus africanus (Australopithecus Africanus)
Covenant: Twenty-three million years ago
Geographical area: South Africa
Summary: The Dart-discovered human-like species, discovered in 1924. It was the first human species to be discovered in Africa. Most of the people belonging to this generation were vegetarians, as is the food of today’s chimpanzees. Their teeth showed that their diet consisted of tough things.
8. Breed: Paranthropus aestropicus (Paranthropus aesthropicus)
Covenant: Twenty-seven million years ago
Geographical area: Turkana region of northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia
Summary: A human being standing upright. In this generation, the upper surface of the skull indicates that the chewing muscles were very powerful. It is highly expected that this species is an ancestor of the Paranthropus Boise.
9 Breed: Australopithecus Garhi
Covenant: About 2.5 million years ago
Geographical area: East Africa
Summary: A human being standing upright. This breed had long teeth and had the same shape as Australopithecus africanus. Some of the characteristics of their teeth were similar to those of humans (Homo). The evidence of its fossil stems shows that the thigh bone was longer than the other Australopithecus species but had powerful long arms. This is a reflection of the change in the length of the steps.
10. Paranthropus Boise
Covenant: Twelve to three million years ago
Geographical area: East Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi)
Summary: A human being standing upright. The inhabitants of this generation used to have a bone that had been raised on the skull, which would handle the large muscles of the chew and move the large jaw. The focus was on the board. For the most of its tenure, this species lived with a human species called Homo erectus in East Africa, with some excavations yielding fossils of both species.
11. Breed: Australopithecus sedica
Covenant: About nine million years ago
Geographical area: South Africa
12. Breed: Homo Habilis
Covenant: Fourteen to seven million years ago
Geographical area: East and South Africa
Summary: This is the oldest human race ever discovered. This breed was named Homo Habilis, meaning “handwork” because it was first discovered when Olduvai Gorge discovered it in the 1960s. Considered a toolmaker. But the discovery of stone tools from Africa three million years old has marked a question on the status of being the oldest human race of the Homo Habilis.
13 Breed: Homo Rudolphhensis
Covenant: Eighteen million years ago
Geographical area: Northern Kenya
Summary: It was first considered as Homo Habilis but in Homo Rudolphhensis.
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